Jack Lelko
jlelko@big5vn.com | |
Phone | 253.566.5084 |
Office | Bldg. F1 Rm: 56 |
Dept. | Mathematics |
Class Schedule
Quarter | Class | Title | Day(s) | From | To | Location | Mode |
Spring | MATH 041CR1 | Co-req for PreCalc - MAT | ARRANGED | | Classroom | ||
Winter | MATH 041CR2 | Co-req for PreCalc - MAT | ARRANGED | | Classroom | ||
Spring | MATH& 141CR1 | Precalculus I | Daily | 9:30 AM | 11:20 AM | | Classroom |
Winter | MATH& 141CR2 | Precalculus I | Daily | 10:30 AM | 12:20 PM | 12-140 | Classroom |
Spring | MATH& 146OL2 | Introduction to Statisti | ARRANGED | ONLARR | Classroom | ||
Winter | MATH& 146OL3 | Introduction to Statisti | ARRANGED | ONLINE | Classroom |